Monday, February 21, 2011

My little apple seed

Lisa is a google maniac. She will look up information on anything and everything. Now that we have a couple I-pod touches, thanks to Santa Claus, she looks for apps on just about everything. It really is amazing how much information she knows or looks up about random topics. She'll never win Jeopardy or anything (we have nightly battles with Alex Trebek at home) because she's not the master of USELESS knowledge that I am. Admittedly, she does now quite a bit about important stuff. Well, as soon as we found out that we were pregnant she found a couple pregnancy apps, my favorite being Baby Center. You put in your information and the baby's information and it tells you the expected due date, how many weeks you are, information about the baby's growth and development, pics, videos, tips, etc. It really is quite cool, so much so that I downloaded it too. =)

So, today, being 5 1/2 weeks pregnant, Baby Center says that our little one is about .13 inches, the size of an apple seed or sesame seed. Kinda hard to believe that this little bitty thing will one day be an 8-10 pound pooping, vomiting machine, but for now it just a tiny little ball of genetic information. Now time for the OB and our first ultrasound.

We made an appointment for 1 pm and ended up waiting for an hour and a half before we could get in because things were back up. The whole time I'm sitting there nervous, waiting to go in because I wanna hear the doctor say, "she's pregnant." We go in and she starts asking us questions about Lisa and what not, the whole time I'm fighting a big grin. We tell her about the positive test and she starts writing in the chart. Then she asks Lisa to get ready for the ultrasound, something we've been doing for some time. This time, however, she tells me I can come in to see. I'm all over that like a fat kid on ice cream.

With a spring in my step, I bounce into the examination room and look up at the large screen TV the doc has set up to show the ultrasound. After a squirt of cold blue gel the screen comes to life in black and white. On the side of the screen, amidst a bubble of white, the doc points out a small black spec. "That's the sac and the baby." What? That little thing? Looks like the tip of a pencil! Well, I'm a big baby, and even though I couldn't make heads or tails (cause she doesn't have head or tail) of the thing, I got misty. Tears popped up and I valiantly fought them back.

What a great day. I'm still on cloud nine, I saw my first picture of my little apple seed, and I want to hit the Fast Forward button to October 19th so I can see my little princess. Oh yeah, I have "daddy intuition"'s gonna be a girl. We won't find out till May, but I gotta hunch. Right now, I'm happy with my little apple seed. I can't wait to see what Baby Center tells me next!

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