Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Registry Check....DONE

We went and did our first baby registry today. I must admit, as dads we don't get to go through much of the changes and process of a baby, as we do our thing to kick it all off and then have to sit back and watch all the magic happen. But registering for gifts if one of those "daddy gets to do it" kind of things. I remember doing our wedding registry and that was the same feeling as this.

It seems like most of the "rite of passage" moments for women, engagement, wedding, children, to name a few, guys don't really get to be a part of even though they are a part of it. We're both getting married, but all the hoopla centers around the bride. We're both having a baby, but all the ado is about the mama. EXCEPT the registry.

There is something fundamentally exciting about walking around a store, looking at stuff, and pulling the trigger on the scanner gun. Maybe it's the inborn desire to pull a trigger, the same reason little boys play with fake machine guns and cowboy six shooters, youth like paintball, and real men like to hunt. We have the desire to point and shoot. It's like the feeling of shooting coke cans off a fence, walking through the store, aiming the little laser at the UPC, and *BEEP BEEP* another pack of burp rags bites the dust! *WHEW* blow the smoke from the scanner and strut down the next aisle.

I think the registry has to be a man's invention and is the most ingenious invention to hit the couple's market. The lady gets to walk through, browse, shop, dream, drool over, and play with all the fun knick knacks, toys, clothes, etc. and the man gets to shoot the gun. It really is amazing. Otherwise you'd have to have a "man corral" with PS3 and Xbox at Target for the guy to sit at while the lady does her thing. It's not to say that I don't enjoy picking out cute things for my little baby because I love to walk through and imagine my little one in the "Daddy's little princess" bib or "You think I'm cute, you should see my dad" onesie, but I wouldn't have near the stamina in shopping that I do if I didn't get to carry the gun. I'd last about an hour in that massive baby item filled store if it weren't for my little laser six-shooter. It makes me feel like a kid in one of those Old West Style Saloon Shoot out games with the moving pieces and flashing targets. It gives a man power and purpose. "Baby, is that the color of lacy, fru-fru crib set you want? Aight...*BEEP BEEP* Done" (insert sound of spit hitting the spittoon).

Our adventure in registry is done today, with Babies 'R Us off the list. Tomorrow we're gonna hit Target. Diaper Rash Cream and Nursing Pad Gang...Sherrif Scanner is setting his laser sights on you next! If only I could have a scanner gun for everything in life...

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