So, Baby Center says that today we no longer have an embryo, but our little grape-sized bundle is now officially a Fetus!! Woohoo!!! I'm the proud papa of a fetus! She is officially an inch long (still hanging on to the "it's a girl" thing), and is about the size of a grape or green olive. You know, it may sound a bit morbid, but all this use of food references when talking about my baby just make me hungry. What's it gonna say at week 38, 39, and 40? "You're baby is now the size of a seedless watermelon" "Your baby is now the size of a TurDucHen (check your grocer's freezer for an accurate description and size of a TurDucHen)" Our little grape weighs just a fraction of an ounce and is finally starting to look more human than tadpole/alien. That's a good thing, because I was starting to get worried about having an ET instead of a little me.
All the essential body parts of our little munchkin are accounted for and will continue to develop over the next weeks and months. The baby's little heart is finishing dividing into 4 chambers and the valves are starting to form, as are her little teeth. Her muscles and organs are starting to function and work as they develop more and more, and the sex organs are there but still undistinguishable. Still have to wait a few more weeks before we can find out the sex, which of course we already faith. Her eyes are fully formed, but are covered by the fused eyelids, which won't open until week 27. She has tiny little earlobes, mouth, nose, and nostrils that are becoming more distinct. It's at this point that she will begin some major weight gain and growth.
This whole process is really exciting. It's cool to read about the growth of my baby, even though I can't see anything happening. Lisa isn't really showing, unless you count the bloated stomach look as showing. I can't wait to see our little bump start to show and grow day by day.
217 Days to go!
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