Wednesday, August 24, 2011

31 weeks down, 9 to go

Well, this almost seems to be getting routine, my weekly or not so weekly posts. Kai is now just over 16 inches long, according to Baby Center (I personally think the kid is already the length of a decent size small forward) and weighs about 3.3 pounds. This apparently the weight of 4 navel oranges. Wait a'd we go from a single fruit to suddenly four? Did my kid divide and multiply?? I certainly hope not! I only have room for one right now!

He is now heading into a growth spurt, one of many in his life if he is anything like daddy. He is going through major brain and nerve developments as he prepares for birth. His irises now react to light and all five senses are in working order, except he won't be smelling anything until after he is born. That's something to think about. How do they know all five senses are in working order? How do you test that in the womb? I had a friend born without a sense of smell, actually friend and former roommate. So how do they know that they all work if you can't test them out? Weird...

Kai can turn his little head from side to side and he is starting to pack on the fat underneath his skin. They say that the baby grows the most in these last few weeks (something I know Lisa isn't entirely thankful for!). He is doing less and less kicking and more and more stretching as his space inside his fishbowl gets smaller and smaller. He is getting more pink in color as opposed to red in color (once again, how can you tell if he is in the womb still?) They say he won't start dropping for another few weeks, but he definitely has! It's rather obvious that he's dropped, especially when Lisa lies down and you see a massive bump under her belly button. The plus side is she can breath better and doesn't fight heartburn as much and the negative is that she has to pee a whole lot more! Oh well.

Lisa is definitely done with pregnancy, tired of feeling so huge, hot, tired, etc. I'm semi-ready for him to get here, but not completely. There are some days I'm soooo excited and can't wait and then there are days that I'm in total freak out mode. It is getting more and more real the closer we get and I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to be a daddy. I want to be one, but ready, well, we'll see once he gets here. We crossed the whole point of no return thing about 8 months ago, so I don't really have a choice. It's interesting because my whole life I've wanted a family and looked forward to being a dad. Now that it is becoming a reality, I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. It scares me to think that from this point on I will ALWAYS be a dad! That will never change. Scary!

Another thing I've noticed is that time has started doing that weird a-day-seems-like-a-thousand-years thing that it does right before vacations and any holiday that brings gifts. Even though we've gone through 31 weeks of pregnancy and they seem to have gone so fast, this last few weeks have started to cccccrrrrraaaaawwwwwwllllll. Please Kai, hurry up and get here! I'm ready to be done with the waiting. Honestly, if those of you out there reading want to help us pray, we're praying that he comes a little early. Not premie, but that he is done developing early and comes. I don't wanna wait for a late baby!

Anyway, that's about all I have to say about that. More once week 32 gets here!

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