Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 32

So, for week 32, Kai weighs 3.75 pounds (about the size of a large jicama). Not exactly sure what a jicama is, so check at your local grocer's produce section for a comparison. =) He also is roughly 16.7 inches long and continuing to grow. He is quickly running out of room in the womb, which we notice by the fact that now his little feet extend all the way up into Lisa's rib cage. He regularly plays xylophone on her ribs and punches on her hips bones. I can only imagine what that must feel like, but from the reactions I get from Lisa, I don't think I want to know.

He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (something that daddy is quickly loosing). Lisa is about done with this pregnancy at this point and ready to have this child out of her. It's kinda funny, I must admit. She enjoyed the second trimester, for the most part, but now is at the point of really wanting this baby gone. He has overstayed his welcome and mama's ready to kick the bird from the nest. Should be interesting to see how this develops in the next few weeks.

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