Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 35 - So close and yet so far!

Kai is now officially too big for the uterus. Lisa feels like she is about to explode any minute now and all day long is just uncomfortable. Kai is out of room in the womb and it's obvious he agrees. He thrashes and moves all the time, like someone who just can't get in a good position.

According to Baby Center, he is just over 18 inches long and weighs around 5.5 pounds or so, about the size of a honeydew melon. His physical development is basically complete, aside from the remaining development of his lungs, and all he does now is take up room and put on weight. His kidneys are fully developed and functional and his liver can now process some waste products, which will turn into a wonderful tar-like substance called meconium, something I'll have to deal with according to Lisa...her first present to me as a daddy. YAH!!

It's rather obvious now where Kai is at all times, as he has no room for hiding because he doesn't fit anywhere anymore. It's really funny when he gets the hiccups (a bout that usually lasts for 20 minutes or so) because Lisa's whole belly will just bounce rhythmically as he hiccups. So cute! There are no more somersaults or spins, just stretching and kicking as he attempts to make more room in his one room little apartment. Lisa started threatening him with an eviction recently. I think she is about done with pregnancy! Only 5 weeks to go now!

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