Saturday, September 24, 2011

36 weeks - the countdown begins!

 Final month and the fun really begins. I've decided that waiting for a baby is just as bad, if not worse, than waiting for Christmas, your birthday, or any vacation for that matter. The closer it gets, the slower that time seems to go. Right now I think time has converted into an 80 year old man with rheumatoid arthritis, a double hip replacement, and about 30 pounds of lead in his shorts. Each second seems like an eternity.

A week ago we finished the nursery, as Lisa is posing in front of the crib. You can see the pictures on Facebook. Everything is ready for him to come, the only thing missing is him! The crib is built, nursery painted, clothes put away, decorations up, closet organized, hospital bag packed, car seat installed, diapers ready, and just time to wait for Kai to make his grand appearance.

At 36 weeks now, Kai is gaining weight at about an ounce each day, but I personally think he is gaining more. According to our most recent ultrasound, Kai weighs 6 pounds 6 ounces and all his measurements he is about a week ahead of development still. Lisa has been having more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions and even had one in the OB visit. The doc saw it and she basically told us that he can come at any time. She was 40% effaced and about 1 cm dilated, with the baby in the perfect position and engaged, at least from what I understood. Essentially, the baby is ready and we're just waiting on him. The doc and most others think that he will come early and Lisa is praying that way.

Kai should be starting to shed that fine coating of hair (lanugo) that he's been sporting, as well as the vernix caseosa, a waxy substance that has protected his skin during this little trip in the fish bowl. He is swallowing both of these in the amniotic fluid, along with the other secretions, and these all mix together to become that wonderful substance I mentioned in the last post: meconium.

At 37 weeks Kai will be considered full term. Last night Lisa didn't sleep at all because she was having BH contractions (Braxton Hicks) all night at intervals of 5-20 minutes apart. This could either be early labor or false labor. We are hoping for the former and not the latter. After last night, Lisa I think officially issued the eviction notice to her little tenant and is ready for him to move to a bigger location, namely the nursery. It's all over now, except the waiting. Jesus, please have mercy on my wife and give her relief from this 9-months of torturous blessing! Thank you for the miracle, but please make him come soon!

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