Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 34 - Our little Cantaloupe!

Ok, according to Baby Center, Kai should now be about 4 3/4 pounds, the size of a cantaloupe, and roughly 18 inches long; however, Kai isn't following the "standard." We did another 4D ultrasound and the doc says that Kai weighs about 5 pounds 9 ounces, so he is running ahead of schedule. Actually, according to all his measurements, he is about 5-7 days ahead of development and the estimated delivery date by his size is October 14th. We are actually hoping for a little sooner than that, but we'll see. His fat layers are rounding out, which will help control his body temperature after birth. He is definitely getting little chubbier. On the ultrasound you could barely see much because he is so cramped, but we got a good look at his chubby cheeks and he has definitely put on weight.

Kai also dropped in the past week or so and is sitting very low. We have another appointment in 2 weeks and from there it is every single week. The doc says that he is in position early, head down, face to the back, and ready to go. Lisa hasn't started dilating yet, but apparently as soon as the baby drops dilation is soon to follow, so we'll see what happens in the next few weeks. Lisa officially started writing an eviction notice for Kai and is ready to kick this tenant out of her womb. She is generally uncomfortable all day long, can't sit, lay, lean, or sleep for any period of time. I've never seen my wife so fidgety! Well, only 5 1/2 more weeks to go, babe. Time is flying and the clock is ticking. CAN'T WAIT!!!

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