Saturday, April 30, 2011

15 weeks - Over a third of the way!

After our wonderful ultrasound this last week, I'm very pumped about this whole pregnancy. Seeing the baby bigger and moving around was awesome and hearing the little heartbeat made the pregnancy more real. I guess when we first saw her and she was so small, it was real but still felt a little like a dream. Now that we've seen her moving, seen the face and eyes, watched her suck her little thumb, and heard the heartbeat, it all seems more real.

The exciting news in our baby's life this weeks is that she now measures 4 inches in length and weighs about 2.5 ounces, which is roughly the size of an apple or navel orange. Let me just restate how much I love that Baby Center relates my baby's size to something I can understand: food. =)

She is now moving the amniotic fluid (yes the same stuff she pees into) through her little nose (a little gross) and her respiratory tract, which helps the little air sacs in her lungs develop and grow. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, which is nice to know that she won't be a monkey. She can move all her little joints and limbs now. Even though her eyelids are still fused shut, she can now start to sense light. Her taste buds are forming, though she doesn't have anything really to test them out on. You gotta wait for that one kid!

We are getting really excited and actually starting to make plans for a nursery, talking about furniture and colors. Of course, we don't know the sex of the baby officially yet. If the baby decides to cooperate we'll see that on May 25th when we go back for our next ultrasound. I must admit that I'm a dork, just a little bit. As I mentioned previously, I recorded the sound of my little pumpkin's heartbeat on my phone, which I then transferred to my computer and iPod. I listen to it at least once a day. =) It's the most beautiful sound in the world and every time I hear it, I fall a little bit more in love with my little blessing from God. 

Week 14

So, like I said in the last blog, they changed our date again so that now we are 15 weeks, meaning I never got to do a week 14 blog. So, just so you don't miss anything in our little pumpkin's development, I'm going to post the info and a picture from week 14. It seems like this pregnancy is flying by. We are already 3 1/2 months in and into our second trimester. It is awesome and every single day I get more and more excited about being a dad. 

According to Baby Center, this week's big developments are: she can squint, frown, grimace (no, not the purple guy from Mc Donalds), pee, and possibly suck her thumb! Also, she is starting to form facial expressions and working out those facial muscles. Her kidneys are producing urine, which like I said before she is letting loose into her big uterine swimming pool...hehe. She can also grasp, which means she can start sucking her thumb, begin making fists, etc.

Finally, the body is starting to grow and stretch out, with her body growing faster than her head, thank God, and she is starting to look more proportionate. This week, the baby measured 3.5 inches, about the size of a lemon, and weighed 1.5 ounces. Her arms have grown in length and are now in right proportion to the rest of her body, although her legs still have some growing to do. And, interestingly enough, apparently her body has started developing an ultra-fine layer of hair all over her body called lanugo. Being covered from head to toe in hair, that comes from me. =)

Her liver is making bile and her spleen is helping produce red blood cells. She is also thrashing around, punching and kicking, which we saw on the ultrasound, but still is a little small for Lisa to feel anything. Her hands and feet measure about half a inch long and she is more flexible and active.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Ultrasound!!

Well, we went to the doctor and did our next ultrasound. It was A-mazing! I thought that the first one was great, but this time was incredible. Now, I didn't cry, in case you're wondering, but man it was an emotional experience for sure. We knew that we were going to hear the baby's heartbeat today and I knew a little about what to expect for an ultrasound, but this blew me away!

First, we got there and talked with the doctor and she told me that I could be in the room for the delivery, which is great. She also said that I could be involved as part of the delivery. I'm not sure to what extent, but I know for sure she said I could cut the cord. I'd like to actually help deliver her, but I'll do what I can do.

So then we went into the room to do the ultrasound and the doc had a DVD burner so we could record the ultrasound, which really pumped us up. So, first she had a little microphone that she used to pick up the baby's heartbeat from the outside. It was crazy! She had a real hard time finding the baby because she was way off on the right side hiding out. Then the sweetest music you ever heard erupted from the speaker. It sounded, oddly enough, like a galloping horse. Lisa said that other women have commented that it sounds like that, but it honestly did. I recorded the sound on my phone because I wanted to share it. I honestly have listened to it every day since....I'm a dork. I just love hearing my little pumpkin's heartbeat.

So after listening to that beautiful little "whoosh" for a minute, the doc fired up the ultrasound. Immediately you could see the little baby on screen and she was a lot bigger than I had expected it to be. I mean, after the first ultrasound where she was so small, I didn't know what to expect. The first thing you could see was her face and hands, like she was waving at us. You could clearly see the eyes, mouth, nose, count the ribs, see the spinal column, fingers, toes, etc. Everything was so clearly visible and obvious.

These aren't the best pictures, I know, but these are the ones that she gave us. The lil' one was just hanging out at first, all reclined and relaxed. She had one arm behind her head and looked like she was sun bathing. Doc said, "Lisa, eat a piece of candy and let's get her moving." Oh man, does our little pumpkin like the candy! =) She started moving around, sucking her thumb, rubbing her eyes, etc. She went crazy on screen. She turned to face the ultrasound and started moving her hands around, waving at us. Doc tried to move around to see the feet and all, but everywhere that she moved the ultrasound wand, the baby had turned and all you could see was face and hands. It's like she was saying, "I'm here, look at me! I see you! Look at me...oohh ooohh Look at me!!" Yeah, she's definitely a Sears. Energetic, likes candy, and wants all the attention! =)

So after watching her move around for awhile and get the hiccups, which looked like she was getting shocked with a defibrillator or something. Full body hiccups. =) Anyway, doc started taking some measurements to see how the baby was and how far along we are. First of all, not that it's a surprise with a miracle baby, but the pumpkin is perfect, no problems, no signs of development problems, Down's, etc.   Then she told us how far along in development the baby is. Well, she moved it back to the original due date, Oct 19th. They keep changing things, but I'm not complaining. So, I guess the baby grew 2 weeks worth in one week....sounds like a Sears. So, I'm gonna have to write 2 more blogs this week to do both weeks.

Our next ultra is at the end of May, forever away! I could honestly sit there all day long watching my little baby move around. It's so amazing. I was captured by that little beautiful baby in black and white on screen. Unfortunately, we got the DVD back to the house and there must have been a problem with the machine, because it didn't work at all for us here. We're really bummed about it, but it probably will save us some time. I'm serious about the fact that Lisa and I would watch it all the time. Probably for the best....hehe.

Until tomorrow when I write my next 2 blogs.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 13, almost done with 1st Trimester! 1/3 of the way there!

Well, here go, starting the final trimester. 13 weeks down and only 27 more to go! I can't believe that it's gone by so quickly. It's amazing how fast time flies and how quickly it passes, although I will admit that some days I think that this journey will never end. Lisa is starting to show more and more, which is kinda cool. She says that she just looks fat right now and not like she's pregnant, but who cares. I think that she looks great and I'm pumped about the little one.

 Our little pumpkin now has fully formed fingerprints on her little fingers, which is kinda cool. She could now be printed and identified by the FBI, although she is just a little fetus. How interesting fingerprints are, something completely unique to the person. She has her unique DNA and now the visible mark of uniqueness, her little fingerprints. I just think that is really cool. She's already starting to show her individuality... definitely a Sears! Also, her organs and veins are clearly visible through her thin-skin, which doesn't come as a surprise. It's not that her skin is thin, she's my child which means she'll be transparent, thanks to that wonderful Irish blood! =)

She is about 3 inches Crown to Rump, about the size of a medium shrimp. Lisa says I'm not allowed to call HER baby a shrimp, so she prefers to use the comparison chart that the Bump, another website, gives her. It says the baby is the size of a peach. I'm a lover of seafood so I'll still say shrimp, no matter what mama wants. I'll catch some flack for saying that, but oh well. Won't be the first time. The baby is also weighs about an ounce.

In a week we'll go to the doctor for our next ultrasound, which is gonna be really exciting. This is the one where we can hear the baby's little heartbeat. I'm pumped about that, pardon the pun. I cried just seeing the little shrimp thrash around on screen and seeing the heart beat. Now I'll actually get to hear that little "whoosh whoosh whoosh" of her little heart doing it's thing. I really can't wait to have this little baby around. I'm soooooo ready to be a dad. I know there's a lot to learn yet and I'm gonna make some mistakes, but the whole journey is exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

It kinda reminds me of marriage in a way. Getting married was incredibly exciting but at the same time scared me to death. Is that the way it is in all of life's journeys as a couple? Marriage, having kids, having grandkids, etc.? Oh well, I guess that is one of the many things that teach us about life. I learned a lot about my relationship with God when I got married, how that intimate, loving relationship worked. And now I'll fully understand God's perspective of being a Father, how to love a child unconditionally and sacrifice yourself for the well-being of that that precious one. It's incredible how God relates to us through powerful moments in our life, marriage, parenthood, etc. Thank you God for this wonderful blessing, our little miracle, who I know is going to take me to new depths in my understanding of You and of love.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 12 - Three Months down, 6 to go!

We have finally reached the 1/3 mark of the pregnancy, well sort of. I've never really understood why we say that pregnancy is 9 months, when it is really 40 weeks. It's kinda confusing. Actually you don't enter the second trimester until the 14th week, whatever. Pregnancy is confusing. Someone should really clear things up a little bit because I'm a little baffled by it all. Anyway, to my baby...

Our little one, who is no longer a fig, has crossed over into being plum-sized, at .5 ounces, and is about 2 inches long, crown to rump. I love that "crown to rump" is the actual term for the measurement...hehe...I'm a little childish at times. Direct quote from Baby Center "The most dramatic development this week: reflexes." Bum, bum, BUMMMM! Yes, our little pumpkin is starting to open and close her fingers and her mouth is making sucking movements, in preparation for feeding. Sorry kid, you don't wanna suck on that fluid in there, it's the same stuff you pee into! Gross! That's like when you pee in the pool and then 5 minutes later you take in a mouth full to do the garden fountain trick...EWWWW!

But I digress..I get too distracted sometimes. Back to reflexes. Toes are curling, eye muscles are clenching. At the same time, her little nerve cells are multiplying like junk yard rabbits, and brain synapses are forming. Please let her be a smart one, Jesus. Please! And in order to test those reflexes, it says I can prod the stomach and the baby will respond! That's awesome! But I can't see it.... =( The baby's intestines have grown so fast that they stick out into the umbilical cord and this week will start moving into the abdomen, which is always a good thing.

Now, her little face looks officially human, according to BC. Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front and her ears are properly located. It's nice to know that she no longer looks like E.T. or a wall-eyed pike.

On another note, let me just make known to you what Lisa has asked me and I'm sure some of you are thinking, to your shame. We do plan on printing out this blog and putting it in a book for our baby to read one day. Lisa lovingly asked me, "Joshie, what are you gonna do if it turns out to be a boy? Are you going to go back and change all the girl references." And my honest and simple reply, "Heck no, techno!" If by some random chance, the laws of 50% probability come around to bite me in the rump, I will lovingly admit my mistake. And it will go something like this....

WEEK 20 - Daddy was wrong!

Sorry little guy, apparently your dad's "mantuition" was a little off due to some food he ate that evening. You are a boy and not a girl after all. Now I have to go and sell all the pink stuff back, though I'm sure it will be in style for boys by the time you get old enough. I don't apologize for calling you a girl, but now you can learn a very important lesson, one which you will figure out on your own one day... daddy isn't always right, just ask you mother!

So, there you have it, if by some random, unexpected twist of fate our little pumpkin turns out to be more like daddy than I originally thought, I will explain it all in a future post. However, for now, my judgment stands as is and we are having a girl. And unless someone can prove to me that my mantuition is wrong, I will continue believing as much. So take that all you nay-sayers out there who question the scientifically proven law of mantuition.

For now, peace out from the front lines of the daddy zone. Next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Irrational Fears

So, I started reading "The Expectant Father," which is a good book for those soon-to-be dads out there who want to stay tuned in to what is going on with the pregnancy. It gives great information about mama and baby and provides great tips for how to stay involved throughout the process, how to be supportive and helpful, and helps you be informed about everything. I'm enjoying it so far, even if it is a little dry. I prefer more pictures and pop-ups in my books, but I guess not everything in life can be animated and active like that. Oh well.

So, as I'm reading, some information is good to have and good to know, it's great to know what questions to ask and all that, but there is a limit to my informational intake. I just finished reading the chapter about month 2 and it goes through a lot of issues that can pop up in the first trimester, possible genetics things, testing, etc. that may arise. It's enough to really freak someone out. Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, Amniocentesis, Preeclampsia, etc. And then they throw in all these funky acronyms that just make your head spin. What is it with doctors and the government that they love acronyms so much??? OB/GYN, ART, PGD, AFT, HCG, ITA, CVS, PUBS, PIH, and that's only in this chapter? It's like alphabet section from Sesame Street snorted crack and started tripping with letters!

All these funky test names, procedures, possible issues, sickness, disorders, etc. that really can make someone get freaked out about having a child. It's during the first trimester, and usually during the 2-3rd month, that they start testing for genetic disorders and people I guess decide if they want to keep the baby or let me just say that we will NEVER decide to terminate our child, no matter what some stupid test shows! Anyway, I understand wanting to inform people about what can and might go wrong so that we're informed about it all. But come on! Really? Do you really wanna throw all of that at new to-be parents? Just after we have started getting really excited, picking out stuff, started buying diapers, etc. and now you wanna throw this crap at us and point out all that can and might go wrong.

Honestly, I started reading all of that and initially started thinking about it. I dwelled on it for like 2 seconds and then I stopped myself. Satan is a crafty little snake and likes to weed his lies and deceit into our minds whenever he has the opportunity and quite frankly I'm tired of it. I told myself, "Self, this baby is a miracle and none of this junk is gonna happen. It sucks for those who do have to deal with it, but God doesn't work a miracle only to not fulfill what He started. Satan, you're a liar and a dirty snake. Shut your freakin' mouth and leave me alone, my wife alone, and my unborn child alone." And with a one-two punch of Jesus' name and all the power and authority I have in Christ, I quickly kicked those irrational fears to the curb.

Seriously, if there be any future writers of books for soon-to-be parents or if by chance a random medical author of one of said books happens to poke their head in, please take note of this. While it is good to inform the public, the 2nd month of pregnancy is not the time to be stirring up irrational fears and doubts about pregnancy. How about putting that crap in an appendix? Don't freak out the couple that is so excited about this new little life! Write a second book about that junk or put it in the appendix that way if something did happen, they can buy another book or flip to the back! Don't put it all right there in front them. Geesh!

So, I just thought I'd take you on my little mind journey today with 2nd-3rd month fears. Lord, I trust you with our little miracle baby and I know that everything is going to turn out perfect, because you don't do things halfway. And one day when this little one is born, she's gonna hear her whole life how You worked a miracle so she could be born. See ya in week 12!

Week 11 - In the Lime light

Ok, I am the kind of person that puts really punny things up and even says really corny jokes, just ask Lisa. It must be the pastor inside of me that sometimes just makes his way out. We have arrived at the 11th week and are almost into our 4th month of pregnancy. I prefer to put everything into the 1st person plural, because this is our baby and I suffer just as much as Lisa does. How you may ask? Well, I'm glad you did!

1. Who thrashes around at night and has to get up to pee umpteen million times? Both of us! I'm always that way and Lisa has joined my little nighttime pee party.

2. Who can't get comfortable and so is always tossing and turning? Lisa. Who's the light sleeper that gets woken up because of said tossing? Josh!

3. When someone starts having all sorts of aches, cramps, soreness, etc., who gets called in to be the makeshift masseur? Josh!

4. Who gets random craving for more oranges at 8pm at night and has to have them? Or maybe it's a Cherry Coke run at 7:30? Josh to the rescue!

5. When said massage just isn't enough to do the job and Ben Gay is needed as a backup, who becomes the delivery person? Josh!

So, you see, I suffer just as much as she does, just not in the same ways. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying this pregnancy hits us both. =) I love you, Lycha!

That being said, let us now turn our attention to what my magical App has to say about our little pumpkin this week. She is now almost fully formed, which is nice. I don't really want a shrimp with an oversized head for a baby. She is about 1.5 inches long and is about the size of a lime, thus the title....I'm so clever.

Some sites say fig and others lime, but to be better understood by all my massive audience out there, we are generally more familiar with limes, unless somehow my audience has crossed the expansive waters of the Atlantic and I have a Mediterranean audience now. I have chosen lime as my choice fruit this week. Whenever I think of figs I only think of 2 things: one is the dried up version that you buy in the store and I doubt my little baby is all dried up living in her little water world and two you think of Fig Newtons, which once again I don't want to think of my little girl as creamy brown paste stuffed inside a soft chewy cookie. So, there you go, I prefer the lime.

Inside that little fishbowl of placenta and amniotic fluid, our little one is starting to thrash around and kick, which will one day drive mama nuts at all hours of the day and night, you're welcome, baby! She is starting to stretch and move around, like a little ballet dancer. (Baby Center says it's like an effortless water ballet). Also, her little diaphragm is forming and she probably has bouts of the hiccups, which would be quite fun to watch on an ultrasound, maybe she'll do it for us next time! Some of her bones are starting to harden, but we all know that baby are essentially rubber until they turn 2. No matter what happens, they always bounce back!

That being said, in 2 weeks we go for our next ultrasound and I can't wait to hear that little "hoosh-hoosh-hoosh" of a heartbeat. Here's the wonderful pic of mama and baby for week 11.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 10

Ok, it's a little late, but here is the stuff for week 10. First, our little pumpkin baby is now the size of a kumquat, if you know what that is, and is just over an inch long. The baby is now about to begin it's rapid growth period and we're almost into the second trimester. There aren't webs on the fingers and toes any more and her little nails are starting to form on the little stubby fingers and toes. Her little heart is pumping blood (like we saw on the ultrasound), the brain, liver, kidneys, and intestines are formed and starting to work as well and will continue developing and maturing. Her arms and legs can bend, she can flex her wrists, and is becoming active. She is starting to thrash around, kick, move, and spazz out (which we also saw on the ultrasound). This apparently means that she is just like her daddy, doesn't like to be penned up for to long, is active and energetic, and likes to kick her mama. NOTE: I only kick Lisa while I'm asleep, but it's good to know that she takes after me a little bit. =)

I saw a little video that talked about how her little teeth buds are forming in the gums and peach fuzz hair is starting to form under the skin. And apparently, since she is now taking in the fluids and food and her organs are starting to work, she pees out fluid into the amniotic sac. I guess it's like peeing in a tiny little pool inside Lisa. That sounds a little disgusting but it just goes to show you that peeing in the pool or the bathtub is a natural instinct and we do it from before birth. See, I'm not disgusting...I'm born this way! =)

Here is a picture of the car seat we bought while we were in the states, which Grandma and Grandpa Sears bought us. THANK YOU!!

Now, just a disclaimer, we took this 10 week pic at night when we were both exhausted after doing street ministry during the day, so Lisa looks a little bit tired. Just so you know. But here it is, the long awaited 10 week picture and Lisa is actually starting to show.

And then, well just because I felt left out of all the picture taking, I took a picture of my 10 week belly. Yeah, I kinda fibbed a little bit and pushed out my stomach, but I wanted to make Lisa feel better about showing....hehehe....

Well, now that my little munchkin is kicking, growing, and peeing in the amniotic sac, I can't wait to see what is gonna pop up next on my magic App...Baby Center!