Well, we went to the doctor and did our next ultrasound. It was A-mazing! I thought that the first one was great, but this time was incredible. Now, I didn't cry, in case you're wondering, but man it was an emotional experience for sure. We knew that we were going to hear the baby's heartbeat today and I knew a little about what to expect for an ultrasound, but this blew me away!
First, we got there and talked with the doctor and she told me that I could be in the room for the delivery, which is great. She also said that I could be involved as part of the delivery. I'm not sure to what extent, but I know for sure she said I could cut the cord. I'd like to actually help deliver her, but I'll do what I can do.
So then we went into the room to do the ultrasound and the doc had a DVD burner so we could record the ultrasound, which really pumped us up. So, first she had a little microphone that she used to pick up the baby's heartbeat from the outside. It was crazy! She had a real hard time finding the baby because she was way off on the right side hiding out. Then the sweetest music you ever heard erupted from the speaker. It sounded, oddly enough, like a galloping horse. Lisa said that other women have commented that it sounds like that, but it honestly did. I recorded the sound on my phone because I wanted to share it. I honestly have listened to it every day since....I'm a dork. I just love hearing my little pumpkin's heartbeat.
So after listening to that beautiful little "whoosh" for a minute, the doc fired up the ultrasound. Immediately you could see the little baby on screen and she was a lot bigger than I had expected it to be. I mean, after the first ultrasound where she was so small, I didn't know what to expect. The first thing you could see was her face and hands, like she was waving at us. You could clearly see the eyes, mouth, nose, count the ribs, see the spinal column, fingers, toes, etc. Everything was so clearly visible and obvious.
These aren't the best pictures, I know, but these are the ones that she gave us. The lil' one was just hanging out at first, all reclined and relaxed. She had one arm behind her head and looked like she was sun bathing. Doc said, "Lisa, eat a piece of candy and let's get her moving." Oh man, does our little pumpkin like the candy! =) She started moving around, sucking her thumb, rubbing her eyes, etc. She went crazy on screen. She turned to face the ultrasound and started moving her hands around, waving at us. Doc tried to move around to see the feet and all, but everywhere that she moved the ultrasound wand, the baby had turned and all you could see was face and hands. It's like she was saying, "I'm here, look at me! I see you! Look at me...oohh ooohh Look at me!!" Yeah, she's definitely a Sears. Energetic, likes candy, and wants all the attention! =)
So after watching her move around for awhile and get the hiccups, which looked like she was getting shocked with a defibrillator or something. Full body hiccups. =) Anyway, doc started taking some measurements to see how the baby was and how far along we are. First of all, not that it's a surprise with a miracle baby, but the pumpkin is perfect, no problems, no signs of development problems, Down's, etc. Then she told us how far along in development the baby is. Well, she moved it back to the original due date, Oct 19th. They keep changing things, but I'm not complaining. So, I guess the baby grew 2 weeks worth in one week....sounds like a Sears. So, I'm gonna have to write 2 more blogs this week to do both weeks.
Our next ultra is at the end of May, forever away! I could honestly sit there all day long watching my little baby move around. It's so amazing. I was captured by that little beautiful baby in black and white on screen. Unfortunately, we got the DVD back to the house and there must have been a problem with the machine, because it didn't work at all for us here. We're really bummed about it, but it probably will save us some time. I'm serious about the fact that Lisa and I would watch it all the time. Probably for the best....hehe.
Until tomorrow when I write my next 2 blogs.