Ok, I am the kind of person that puts really punny things up and even says really corny jokes, just ask Lisa. It must be the pastor inside of me that sometimes just makes his way out. We have arrived at the 11th week and are almost into our 4th month of pregnancy. I prefer to put everything into the 1st person plural, because this is our baby and I suffer just as much as Lisa does. How you may ask? Well, I'm glad you did!
1. Who thrashes around at night and has to get up to pee umpteen million times? Both of us! I'm always that way and Lisa has joined my little nighttime pee party.
2. Who can't get comfortable and so is always tossing and turning? Lisa. Who's the light sleeper that gets woken up because of said tossing? Josh!
3. When someone starts having all sorts of aches, cramps, soreness, etc., who gets called in to be the makeshift masseur? Josh!
4. Who gets random craving for more oranges at 8pm at night and has to have them? Or maybe it's a Cherry Coke run at 7:30? Josh to the rescue!
5. When said massage just isn't enough to do the job and Ben Gay is needed as a backup, who becomes the delivery person? Josh!
So, you see, I suffer just as much as she does, just not in the same ways. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying this pregnancy hits us both. =) I love you, Lycha!
That being said, let us now turn our attention to what my magical App has to say about our little pumpkin this week. She is now almost fully formed, which is nice. I don't really want a shrimp with an oversized head for a baby. She is about 1.5 inches long and is about the size of a lime, thus the title....I'm so clever.
Some sites say fig and others lime, but to be better understood by all my massive audience out there, we are generally more familiar with limes, unless somehow my audience has crossed the expansive waters of the Atlantic and I have a Mediterranean audience now. I have chosen lime as my choice fruit this week. Whenever I think of figs I only think of 2 things: one is the dried up version that you buy in the store and I doubt my little baby is all dried up living in her little water world and two you think of Fig Newtons, which once again I don't want to think of my little girl as creamy brown paste stuffed inside a soft chewy cookie. So, there you go, I prefer the lime.
Inside that little fishbowl of placenta and amniotic fluid, our little one is starting to thrash around and kick, which will one day drive mama nuts at all hours of the day and night, you're welcome, baby! She is starting to stretch and move around, like a little ballet dancer. (Baby Center says it's like an effortless water ballet). Also, her little diaphragm is forming and she probably has bouts of the hiccups, which would be quite fun to watch on an ultrasound, maybe she'll do it for us next time! Some of her bones are starting to harden, but we all know that baby are essentially rubber until they turn 2. No matter what happens, they always bounce back!
That being said, in 2 weeks we go for our next ultrasound and I can't wait to hear that little "hoosh-hoosh-hoosh" of a heartbeat. Here's the wonderful pic of mama and baby for week 11.
Simply love your writings! Look forward to them. Give Mama some rest there.