Well, here go, starting the final trimester. 13 weeks down and only 27 more to go! I can't believe that it's gone by so quickly. It's amazing how fast time flies and how quickly it passes, although I will admit that some days I think that this journey will never end. Lisa is starting to show more and more, which is kinda cool. She says that she just looks fat right now and not like she's pregnant, but who cares. I think that she looks great and I'm pumped about the little one.
Our little pumpkin now has fully formed fingerprints on her little fingers, which is kinda cool. She could now be printed and identified by the FBI, although she is just a little fetus. How interesting fingerprints are, something completely unique to the person. She has her unique DNA and now the visible mark of uniqueness, her little fingerprints. I just think that is really cool. She's already starting to show her individuality... definitely a Sears! Also, her organs and veins are clearly visible through her thin-skin, which doesn't come as a surprise. It's not that her skin is thin, she's my child which means she'll be transparent, thanks to that wonderful Irish blood! =)
She is about 3 inches Crown to Rump, about the size of a medium shrimp. Lisa says I'm not allowed to call HER baby a shrimp, so she prefers to use the comparison chart that the Bump, another website, gives her. It says the baby is the size of a peach. I'm a lover of seafood so I'll still say shrimp, no matter what mama wants. I'll catch some flack for saying that, but oh well. Won't be the first time. The baby is also weighs about an ounce.
In a week we'll go to the doctor for our next ultrasound, which is gonna be really exciting. This is the one where we can hear the baby's little heartbeat. I'm pumped about that, pardon the pun. I cried just seeing the little shrimp thrash around on screen and seeing the heart beat. Now I'll actually get to hear that little "whoosh whoosh whoosh" of her little heart doing it's thing. I really can't wait to have this little baby around. I'm soooooo ready to be a dad. I know there's a lot to learn yet and I'm gonna make some mistakes, but the whole journey is exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
It kinda reminds me of marriage in a way. Getting married was incredibly exciting but at the same time scared me to death. Is that the way it is in all of life's journeys as a couple? Marriage, having kids, having grandkids, etc.? Oh well, I guess that is one of the many things that teach us about life. I learned a lot about my relationship with God when I got married, how that intimate, loving relationship worked. And now I'll fully understand God's perspective of being a Father, how to love a child unconditionally and sacrifice yourself for the well-being of that that precious one. It's incredible how God relates to us through powerful moments in our life, marriage, parenthood, etc. Thank you God for this wonderful blessing, our little miracle, who I know is going to take me to new depths in my understanding of You and of love.
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