Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 12 - Three Months down, 6 to go!

We have finally reached the 1/3 mark of the pregnancy, well sort of. I've never really understood why we say that pregnancy is 9 months, when it is really 40 weeks. It's kinda confusing. Actually you don't enter the second trimester until the 14th week, whatever. Pregnancy is confusing. Someone should really clear things up a little bit because I'm a little baffled by it all. Anyway, to my baby...

Our little one, who is no longer a fig, has crossed over into being plum-sized, at .5 ounces, and is about 2 inches long, crown to rump. I love that "crown to rump" is the actual term for the measurement...hehe...I'm a little childish at times. Direct quote from Baby Center "The most dramatic development this week: reflexes." Bum, bum, BUMMMM! Yes, our little pumpkin is starting to open and close her fingers and her mouth is making sucking movements, in preparation for feeding. Sorry kid, you don't wanna suck on that fluid in there, it's the same stuff you pee into! Gross! That's like when you pee in the pool and then 5 minutes later you take in a mouth full to do the garden fountain trick...EWWWW!

But I digress..I get too distracted sometimes. Back to reflexes. Toes are curling, eye muscles are clenching. At the same time, her little nerve cells are multiplying like junk yard rabbits, and brain synapses are forming. Please let her be a smart one, Jesus. Please! And in order to test those reflexes, it says I can prod the stomach and the baby will respond! That's awesome! But I can't see it.... =( The baby's intestines have grown so fast that they stick out into the umbilical cord and this week will start moving into the abdomen, which is always a good thing.

Now, her little face looks officially human, according to BC. Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front and her ears are properly located. It's nice to know that she no longer looks like E.T. or a wall-eyed pike.

On another note, let me just make known to you what Lisa has asked me and I'm sure some of you are thinking, to your shame. We do plan on printing out this blog and putting it in a book for our baby to read one day. Lisa lovingly asked me, "Joshie, what are you gonna do if it turns out to be a boy? Are you going to go back and change all the girl references." And my honest and simple reply, "Heck no, techno!" If by some random chance, the laws of 50% probability come around to bite me in the rump, I will lovingly admit my mistake. And it will go something like this....

WEEK 20 - Daddy was wrong!

Sorry little guy, apparently your dad's "mantuition" was a little off due to some food he ate that evening. You are a boy and not a girl after all. Now I have to go and sell all the pink stuff back, though I'm sure it will be in style for boys by the time you get old enough. I don't apologize for calling you a girl, but now you can learn a very important lesson, one which you will figure out on your own one day... daddy isn't always right, just ask you mother!

So, there you have it, if by some random, unexpected twist of fate our little pumpkin turns out to be more like daddy than I originally thought, I will explain it all in a future post. However, for now, my judgment stands as is and we are having a girl. And unless someone can prove to me that my mantuition is wrong, I will continue believing as much. So take that all you nay-sayers out there who question the scientifically proven law of mantuition.

For now, peace out from the front lines of the daddy zone. Next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

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