Friday, June 24, 2011

Week 22 - POP goes the Belly Button!

So, you know those little turkey thermometers that you use at Thanksgiving? Well, mama's belly button is starting to resemble one. =) They say that it happens about this time in the pregnancy, it's just kinda funny. I make that joke all the time with her, that the bun in the oven is almost done, but she never finds it funny. Some people just don't get good humor. =)

Kai is officially the size of a Spaghetti Squash or a Papaya, which is kind of ironic. Normally, papaya helps you with digestion, quiets the stomach down, and aids with stomach issues because it has enzymes that are good for the body and it's a natural meat tenderizer. Well, Kai, although the size of a papaya, has just the opposite effect on Lisa. She has indigestion, nausea, and even throws up a little in her mouth from time to time. So much for the papaya resemblance. Apparently, that only applies to size.

Kai weighed about 1 pound this week and was 11 inches long. Baby Center says that he is officially starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct and tiny tooth buds are developing under the gums. His eyes are formed but the irises still lack pigment. They actually say that caucasian babies eyes all look blue in the womb, but develop pigment later on. Just an interesting tidbit from National Geographic's "In the womb." Also, Kai's little pancreas is working full throttle, producing some very essential hormones.

Kai now is settling into a regular sleep cycle, napping about 12-14 hours a day (boy, that must be a rough life!). Remember what I said last week about a regular schedule? Yeah, he has that! He is getting stronger and stronger by the day too. His kicks have increased in strength and you can actually watch Lisa's stomach move up and down as he kicks and moves. You can watch a roll across her belly as he moves from side to side. It really is incredible!

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