Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 26 - Less than 100 days left!

Kai is continuing to fatten up, putting on some weight and baby fat. He now weighs nearly 2 pounds and is over 14 inches long, the size of a Hothouse cucumber. His little body is starting to fine tune his senses. The optical nerve is developing and he is now able to distinguish between the light and the dark. I think that he happens to like the dark. I say this because sometimes we'll lay down at night and I'll have my iPod with me and I'll put it up to the belly to try and see him move and then he suddenly goes from right on the surface to deeper in the womb. Definitely a sleeper!

The nerves in his ears are also developing and he is more sensitive to sounds from outside the womb. He has already been learning Lisa's voice, her inflection, speech rhythm, voice patterns, etc. Now he is able to hear my voice, even if I'm not right next to her belly. It is amazing to me that at this point he is now able to not only hear our voices and memorize our patterns and differences, but he is recording all the things that he hears outside the womb. He is creating memories and even has dreams. I've often wondered what a baby has to dream about, but he is dreaming and making memories. What would happen if we could recall our memories from inside the womb? What would we remember? A fight? Loving words between mom and dad? The TV?

He is continuing to breath the amniotic fluid, practicing the motion that will keep him alive for the rest of his life and developing those little air sacs in his lungs. His body is soaking up antibodies from mama and preparing his little immune system to keep himself alive outside the protective shell of the womb. His eyes are forming, although he still can't see yet, and his eyelids will soon start practicing the blinking motion. What an amazing process life is! God is such an amazing God of wonders, creating such a wonderful, intricate process that brings life into the world. Thank you God for blessing us with such a beautiful little life, for entrusting us with the responsibility of raising a child. Less than 100 days to go and I'm getting PUMPED!

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