Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The verdict is in....IT'S A BOY!

Well, as I said in a previous blog, I was horribly wrong. It appears that the Facebook vote was right, by a count of 13 girl votes to 18 boy votes. We went to the OB's office today for our long-awaited visit with destiny. We heard that beautiful little heartbeat once again and watched, rapt, for about 20 minutes during the ultrasound, marveling at the size our of little pumpkin. I was blown away at how much it had grown in 4 weeks! I'll post the pictures below, don't worry.

The doctor carefully did her measurements of the kid, checking the crown, the belly, the legs, etc. Forever it seemed she looked for the evidence of masculinity or lack thereof. The stupid umbilical cord had gotten in the way. I had just about written it off to a positive "girl" verdict, when lo and behold, the final parting shot from LP was of the little guy showing off what the good Lord gave him. That's right, I said little GUY. IT'S A BOY!

Now, before I launch into my drawn out forgiveness speech to my firstborn son, let me explain something. I wanted a girl, quite badly I must say. My family is nearly all boys. On my mom's side, there are 5 boy cousins, my brother, and I. On my dad's side there are 3 boy cousins, 1 girl cousin, my brother, and I. My mom has 3 brothers, my dad a brother and a sister. That's a whole lot of Y chromosomes in one family! I have no problem with that and I'm ecstatic that my name will carry on for one more generation. But, I was looking for a little diversity, a little change of pace in a girl. I know that the first girl born into this family will be spoiled rotten and I was looking forward to being wrapped around a little girl's finger. But, if Lisa's previous dream was prophetic, I'll have plenty opportunity with the 3 girls that come next. =) I love you Sunshine!

So, without further ado, Son, I'm sorry that I thought you were a girl and that I claimed it for so long. It's not that I don't want a son, but you've read my explanations above. You've learned a very important lesson today by reading this, well a couple very important lessons. First, as I'm sure you've figured out or your mom has told you, I don't know everything. I can be wrong at times and I'm so glad that I was wrong about this. I'm excited about teaching you how to fix cars, build stuff, play football (the American kind, not soccer), play basketball, burp the alphabet, burn ants with a magnifying glass, etc.

Second, and this is very very important, the so called "mantuition" apparently is nothing more than gas. All those feelings I was getting about you being a girl, just my body digesting food and creating exhaust.

So, please forgive me for hoping you were a girl. I'm sure that your sisters will bug you about this and throw it back in your face, but you are my firstborn son, my little man, and I hope that I can be all that you ever hoped for in a daddy. Love you son!

Now to the pictures. I'm gonna post the first ultra from week 10 just for comparison of how much the kid has grown in 9 weeks. Keep in mind, the doc zoomed in as much as possible for this one.

And now the one from today, without any zooming in. In fact, it was out as far as possible!

Note the length of the legs and torso...definitely my little Giant! And now for indisputable proof of gender, a picture that will be used later for blackmail...=)

Yeah, that's not the umbilical cord. The doc assured us of the fact that it is a boy. In fact, she said, "Look at the little turtle." I about died laughing!

So, there you have it. It's a boy. I have plenty of years of rough-housing, playing football, wrestling, playing video games, etc. ahead of me. Sorry, Sunshine, you're gonna have to take a crash course on how to deal with little boys. =) Cause you're about to have 2 around the house: one baby and one adult little boy!

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