Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 19 - Boy or Girl????

Ahhh...the long awaited week when we will finally find out what our baby will be: Pink or Blue. We are about to head to the doctor's office and hopefully the baby will be in the right position to show off what the good Lord is giving him/her. I've started talking with our little pumpkin on a regular basis and last night I told him/her that he/she better be good for the doctor. This is the only time in life when he/she is allowed to be an exhibitionist. After today, no more showing anything off until the wedding bells ring!

Why am I suddenly putting he/she on the post? Because yesterday Lisa put up on Facebook that we were going to find out the sex of the baby today and we got an overwhelming number of boy votes. That caused us to think a little bit and I'm not gonna lie, a little bit of doubt entered in. Lisa also had a dream a few nights ago about babies. In her dream she gave birth to 4 kids, a different times, the first was a boy and the other three were girls. Was it prophetic? Who knows! All I can say is if God has 4 kids in store for us, WOW, I'm not sure how that works in the mission field! =)

So, today in our little pumpkins growth, Baby Center says that LP (Little Pumpkin) weights 8.5 ounces (that's half a pound for those wondering) and is 6 inches long, about the size of an heirloom tomato or a mango. I love mangoes! Her arms and legs are in proper proportion with each other and the rest of the body, the kidneys are working and producing urine (still an odd idea that LP drinks and pees the same fluid) and hair is starting to sprout on the head.

Another development is that the brain is starting to explode to life, designating the special areas for the senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. The baby is now able to hear our voices when we speak to it, which we do quite frequently. In fact, most studies show that the baby at 5 months starts to record memories and actual can start learning. The baby is also getting more active, which is something Lisa has noticed. She has felt LP kick around, but I have yet to feel it. Hoping soon I'll get that chance.

Well, now off for the fateful visit with the ultrasound machine. Boy or Girl??? We'll soon see!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Momma and Daddy on this gonna be adorable baby BOY! And yes, 4 kids on the mission field works. God always provides where He guides. Bless you both. Keep the blogs coming!
